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The Role of Age…

…Perception in Staying Young

The role of age perception in staying young is more valuable than we ever imagined. Having a positive perspective on aging has been shown to slow down the process itself, potentially. This phenomenon has begun to leave scientists feeling curious.

Various studies have been conducted throughout this last decade that have promising notions of the real impact that a simple shift in perception can have on one’s actual health, especially concerning the passing of time.

Adjusting Our Perception

Aging is something we have been going through since conception. However, some may not accept that it is happening, may be resentful at the process, or may feel liberated by it.

So, what can we do to help ourselves stay young? Well, for starters, ending the personal grief we may have on age is a foundational component to adjusting our perception of the subject. Aging is universal, but the way we view it is not.

When we accept what is happening and embrace the betterment it provides rather than dreading it, we allow our mind to put its energy towards those positive aspects. This is valuable because it applies internalized subconscious constructs of “focus” to areas that need it during the process of aging— such as that of memory loss.

If we can be gleeful about our youthful memories, our minds will feel comfortable returning to them. If we attach negative thoughts to reminiscing on our pasts, then our mind may take the route of less strife and avoid such recollections– even if they are good ones.

Memory loss is only an example here. The real evidence of whether or not age perception can enhance the experience of staying young is in the newfound science of how it works.

Research-Based Conclusions

The simplest to digest study that has been conducted took place in England. Researchers from the University College London have made some breakthroughs regarding age perception and actual vitality.

The study consisted of about 6,500 elderly people who were asked initially, “how old do you feel?” This question was met with answers of either:

  1. Younger (70%)
  2. My age (25%)
  3. Older (5%)

Eight years into the future, these same participants were located, and data was collected. What was notable was the differences in mortality rates. Those who felt younger in the initial questioning had a survival rate of 86%, those who felt their age was at 82%, and those who felt older had 75%.

Though the differences are not striking, they are consistent. This conclusion allowed for the perking of ears by fellow researchers. Since this experiment, there have been various other studies done to help better validate the well-known statement “you are only as old as you feel.”

This study paints a broad picture of the more fascinating details of what it means to “feel young.” Embracing the feeling of youthfulness is beneficial for the mind and body in a health-conscious way. The experience of feeling young in itself removes the tension and weight that can build around the idea of aging.

This shift in perspective also affects a person’s daily choices and overall lifestyle. The impact can create a ripple effect of increased health that in turn allows a person to feel as if they are “staying young.” Rather though, they are full of vitality, and in turn, that is improving— or maintaining— their health.

Final Notes 

Having an optimistic perspective on aging is a foolproof strategy for feeling young. Being happy about memories, stating how one feels young, practicing lifestyle techniques that align with what touches a person the most about being young all are ways to implement this healthier perspective. The benefits of being optimistic about the passing of time outweigh any risks involved.

Mind over matter comes alive in this concept. If we intend to remain young and healthy, we must remind ourselves what it means to be young and healthy through our actions and our words. When embodying this perception of identity, the rest of our body and mind conspire to create a real impact on health, for the sake of youthfulness. This correlation of belief and wellbeing is a perfect example of the beauty of choosing to be positive.