When you think of courage, you probably think of fierce warriors or men dressed in battle uniform. Perhaps you envision a woman battling disease or someone fighting a good fight on behalf of another.
However, courage comes in many different shapes and forms. Sometimes courage is getting knocked down, but getting back up each and every time. Courage is the willingness to try again.
If you have always wanted to try something or have had a lifelong dream you now wish to follow, you have to start somewhere. That somewhere is a place called courage. If you do not try, then you are guaranteed to fail. However, if you do try, then know that there is a possibility that you may very well succeed.
However, you have to change your view. Courage is taking a step and willing to not succeed, but trying again anyhow. If you fail the first time, it is not an ending, it is just the beginning and a learning tool of what not to do in the future. Success may not show up the way you planned, but it will show up sooner or later.
When you do fail and you see that you have, in fact, survived, it will only propel you forward all the more. If everyone who ever succeeded at anything stopped trying after the first few rounds, then we would not have half the achievements and blessing we have in life now.
There is an old saying that if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Courage is the willingness to try things over and over again until you find the right formula for success.
And, the right formula for success is to keep going no matter how many times you get knocked down until you figure out what does, indeed, work.
Courage is the willingness to try and try again.
Sometimes, courage is not what you think it is either. Sometimes courage is asking for help. Many of us have trouble asking for help, but real courage shows up when you swallow your pride and ask for help.
More often than not, it takes a whole lot more courage to ask for help than it does to go it alone.
Courage also does not mean in any way, shape or form that there is an absence of fear in you as you face something you would rather not have to face. It means that you turn and face your fear and act in spite of it.
Courage does not mean the absence of fear; however, it does mean to confront it. When you face something you are afraid of, then that only guarantees you future success when it comes to facing something else.
You will look over your shoulder and see that you were afraid, but you took action and faced your fear anyways.